2023 Impact Report
Friend of the Red Tab Foundation,
Challenging times have a way of illuminating new paths forward. Over the past few years, the Red Tab Foundation’s (RTF) role as a critical safety net for the LS&Co. community has become more important than ever. Natural disasters and heavy rains led to floods, widespread loss of power, and a lack of clean drinking water in our communities. Together, we prevented hundreds of evictions, and kept the lights on and food on the table for many. New levels of macroeconomic uncertainty made everyday expenses more difficult to navigate. But with your help last year, we provided hope, offered a critical lifeline, and alleviated worry in 3,246 emergencies - our highest number ever and a 72% increase year over year.
By any account, fiscal year 2023 was exceptional. Even in a time of macroeconomic uncertainty, we raised a record-breaking $2.9 million—a testament to the value this community sees in our work. We re-launched our industry-leading Red Tab Savers program to the highest enrollment ever. We hosted an industry-wide summit for 160 companies to help them develop their own hardship funds. For the first time ever, we disbursed more than $3.3 million to our colleagues, a 50% increase year over year. We’re proud that 2023 was “another record year,” as we’ve proclaimed loudly. While we celebrate these wins we are also reimagining of our vision of success.
The work ahead of us is not only to provide short-term relief but also to continue expanding the way we support our clients as they build their own financial health and resilience. In other words, we’ll be there as our community members weather storms, but also steer them toward the blue skies ahead.
The impact of RTF depends on each of you who make our work possible. Thank you.
Take good care,
Pete Haas Jr.
Board President
Jenny Calvert Rodriguez
Executive Director
John Booker
Philanthropy Lead

Our Mission
RTF is a public, nonprofit foundation that assists LS&Co. employees, retirees and their families facing unexpected financial hardships. RTF provides financial assistance, education, and preventative programs to help these individuals in their efforts to maintain their financial, physical and emotional health.

Where We Help
In FY23, we offered grants to employees in Thailand, Scotland and Sweden for the first time ever.
Grant Giving Over Time

From Our Grantees…
On February 6th, 2023, Salim Yunus awoke to his phone flooded with news that there was a catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake in his hometown of Antakya, Turkey, followed by a 7.4 quake shortly after.
Aid After Earthquakes in Turkey
“My brother’s home was destroyed, and he was trapped for 2-3 hours with his wife and children in the house. My parents and my sister were living in the car with no access to food, water, heating, and any personal need that you can think of,” Salim told us.
Salim was financially responsible for their needs and concerned about how it would impact his budget when his manager reminded him of the Red Tab Foundation. “I couldn't believe how RTF acted so fast on supporting me and my family. The grant gave me the ability to help my family pay for gas, rent, as well as the bills for heating, electricity, water, food, and other basics. I can’t tell you how grateful I am.” Supporters of our work are responsible for helping 158 grantees through natural disasters last year.
Assistance Through Mass COVID Lockdowns in China
Last Spring as an outbreak of COVID-19 overwhelmed parts of China, the city of Beijing enforced a city-wide lockdown.
These measures were hard on those who were not allowed to leave their homes; many were quarantined extensively. For weeks, Levi’s® stores were closed and employees were not allowed to work, putting them in a tough spot with bills that needed to be paid. RTF offered widespread help to 311 employees in Beijing and across China, the most people we’ve ever supported in the country.
Ensuring Clean Water During the Jackson Water Crisis
A water quality crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, sparked national outrage last Summer after a broken pipeline left residents -- including hundreds of employees at LS&Co.’s Distribution Center in nearby Canton – without clean water.
“The water crisis was a trying time for my family and me. Our faith never wavered and we're thankful for the grant to purchase drinking water for brushing our teeth and bathing. I am thankful to work for a company who aids when disasters arise,” shares Victoria Carter, a Lot Management Clerk in Canton. The Distribution Center was lucky enough to have a well on-site for employees to access, thus highlighting a prime example of how RTF and LS&Co. partner in times of crisis. 93% of employee grants go to frontline workers like those packing, making and selling our product all over the world.
RTF in Europe grows!
RTF offered 185 grants across Europe last year, up from 57 the year before, thanks to increased global awareness of our programs.
Supporting Our Retirees
granted to retirees this year.
Life-Changing Interventions in South Africa
South Africa is one of the locations around the world where RTF’s interventions for employees have made the biggest difference. RTF support there has increased more than nine-fold since 2019, and this year supported 280 families around the country.
South Africa Grants
by Program
by Category
Helping Employees Save
Reimagined Red Tab Savers Program Grows Financial Resiliency
This year, RTF worked with Blackrock Emergency Saving’s Initiative to create an improved program with a new interface through the QUBER app. RTF increased enrollment to 14% of its eligible workforce – a roughly 27% increase from the program’s previous high. “My coworkers all love QUBER. When you get your paycheck, the first thing you have to do is pay yourself. QUBER automatically deposits the money into my Vault so I don’t forget,” Reine told us. Red Tab Savers helped 1,249 employees save $203k of their own dollars.
Reine Magallon, sorts packages and product at LS&Co.’s distribution center in Henderson, NV. She moved to the U.S. from the Philippines years ago and is newly married to another Henderson employee. She signed up for Red Tab Savers last year and has been using the app ever since to help her build a habit of saving. Now, she’s buying her first home. “My husband and I have been saving for years for this. I’ve learned not to spend much, and to keep a tight budget on my paycheck. Red Tab Savers made saving exciting with the rewards and incentives. Who would believe we're finally closing on a house this week?”
Our biggest year yet
since launching Savers!

Address Root Causes Sooner
We will focus short-term cash assistance on urgent and truly unexpected situations, paired with processes to identify and assist applicants who need repeat assistance due to chronic financial instability.
Our Commitments
for the Year Ahead
Provide Tools for Long-Term Financial Health
We will build financial resilience and strive to not just get folks back on their feet, but to help them achieve future financial security so our assistance is no longer needed.
Measure Our Impact
We will uplevel our capacity for measuring longer- term financial health so we can more effectively evolve our programs toward the greatest impact.
Growing Our Global Footprint: A New Case Manager in the Philippines
Liezl Roca is joining the RTF team as a Programs Specialist for Asia, after years of working for the LS&Co. Total Rewards team. She has been familiar with RTF for 15 years, ever since her role working in one of the previous manufacturing facilities in the Philippines. With her localized expertise of the region, we plan to grow awareness and grantmaking throughout all of Asia.
Multiplying Our Impact: Helping Other Companies Support Their Own
RTF prides itself on having an outsized impact. This past year, the RTF team hosted a virtual Employer Hardship Fund Summit, open to any organization interested in this space. Participants tuned into two half days of programming about how to run a successful Hardship Fund, connected with others in our industry and compared notes on our work. The virtual summit had 136 attendees, including representation from our peers in the retail space, Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, and beyond.
The People Who Make It Happen
Why I Donate
Heidi Manes, SVP, Chief Transformation Officer
“RTF is both a financial lifeline and a way to improve the financial health for LS&Co. employees around the world. I want to be part of that support of our employees and do so with regular payroll deduction donations. I would encourage everyone else to do so because, as an RTF Board Member, I’ve seen first-hand the difference each dollar makes.”
520 donors raised $290,708K via payroll.
Why I Fundraise
“Through the turbulence of the last 24 months, the Red Tab Foundation was there. Knowing that need is growing throughout Europe, our teams have embraced the spirit of helping one another through the Run for Red Tab. I love this event because it spotlights how unique our culture is and gives us all a chance to have fun while supporting this incredible cause. We don’t know what the next year will bring, but we do know we’re stronger together.”
Lucia Marcuzzo, Managing Director, North Europe
Last year the Run for Red Tab raised $140k and activated global events with 378 participants around the world.
Three Generations
of Support
Pictured: Peter Haas Sr.
“Through four decades RTF has helped our grantees make rent, feed their families, pay for medical emergencies, relocate, and rebuild. Back then, my grandfather Peter Haas Sr. helped endow the foundation, and now, as a board member, I’m proud to carry on the family tradition of giving back to this incredible cause. It’s now up to my generation of family and shareholders to support RTF through the next four decades and beyond.” - Brad Haas, RTF Board Member
The Haas family have been RTF donors and supporters for 41 years.
Our Donors
Levi Strauss Foundation
*LS&Co. provides $650K in funding for our operations each year. That means every dollar donated goes directly to help an employee or retiree in need.
The Team
Jenny Calvert Rodriguez
Executive DirectorJohn Booker
Philanthropy LeadBryce Kumagai
Global Programs ManagerElla Clausen
Manager, Marketing & CommunicationsDina Lee
Finance and Grants CoordinatorCASE MANAGERS
Lavinia Crawford-Browne
Case Manager, South AfricaTeddy Dworakowski
Case Manager, EuropeEmily Karakas
Sr. Case Manager, United States + CanadaAlbert Hernandez
Case Manager, United States + LATAM -
Peter E. Haas Jr.
Board PresidentJeff Harlowe
Vice President
Retired LS&Co. ExecutiveSusan Brennan
Retired LS&Co. ExecutiveMolly Buckley
Retired LS&Co. ExecutiveTom Fanoe
Retired LS&Co. ExecutiveKelly McGinnis
LS&Co. SVP & Chief Communications OfficerLiz O'Neill
LS&Co. EVP & Chief Operations OfficerScott White
LS&Co. VP, People Operations and RewardsSanjeev Mohanty
LS&Co. SVP, Managing Director, U.S - CanadaHeidi Manes
LS&Co. SVP, Chief Transformation OfficerLisa Stirling
Chief Financial Officer
LS&Co. Global ControllerBradley Haas
LS&Co. Family Council -
Kim Almeida
Director, Worker Wellbeing, Levi Strauss FoundationKathy Farmer
LS&Co. VP, BenefitsPriscilla Duncan-Tannous
Assistant General CounselCate McCarthy
Regional Director, LSA RetailMarie-Hélené Azar
Sr. Director, CommunicationsRobert McCann
Assistant Global Controller
2023 Donors
Peter and Ginnie Haas
Chip Bergh
Levi Strauss Foundation
Michelle Gass
Colleen and Bob Haas
Levi Strauss & Co.
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Kelly McGinnis
Tracy Layney
Kira and Bradley Haas
Seth Jaffe
Richard Gomes
Jill Beraud
Elizabeth O'Neill
Ted Geballe
Heidi Manes
Anne Madison
Scott White
Qianhui Adeline Sia
David and Paulette Friedman/Meyer
Elise Haas
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Harmit Singh
Robert Eckert
Robert Friedman
Roy W Eaton
Troy Alstead
Dan Haas
Mark Grovich
Chris & Beth McCormick
Ken and Linda Larson/Adams
Elliott Rodgers
Karyn Hillman
Karen Riley-Grant
Andrew Dischar
Sanjeev Mohanty
Emil Knopf
Jeffrey Eggert-Peluso
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt
Joshua Prime
Kim Heffner
Ralph Briskin
Thomas Tusher
Wally Haas
Pavan Pamidimarri
Karen McGee
Julia Ozab
David Cardiff
James Derouin
Francis Arrastia
Spencer Fleischer
Tom Fanoe
Nicolas Versloot
John De Martino Jr
Michelle Williamson
Siranoush Dimitian
Jenny Rodriguez
Melissa Dirienzo
Adam Woollerson
Walter Fong
Puja Agrawal
Nagarajan Nagumallu
Thomas Rafferty
Todd Tomlitz
Elizabeth Ward Francesconi
Douglas Flores
Amanda Gardner
Jeffrey Hogue
Marie-Hélène Azar
Anna Walker
Natalie MacLennan
Rene Saroukhanoff
Carl Buskirk
Jenny Ming
Ken Sirlin
Lindsay Webbe
Marsha Hazen
Mary Palafox
Nathaniel Eubanks Jr
Patricia Pineda
Robert Caldwell
Thomas Mallery
James Sights
Garrett Petraia
Nuholt Huisamen
Kevin Mckenna
Jacquelyn Major
Karen Scholl
Christiane Kunkel
Michaela Maychrowitz
Lucia Marcuzzo
Estelle Layton
Mary Jane Luck
Santiago Cucci
Susan Brennan
Fatima Angeles
Henry Zhou
Nealan Afsari
David Cantrell
Donna Heiden
Stacy Doren
Timothy Wightman
Vicki Ewing
Zameer Andani
John Booker
Kirsten Koob
Shaun Gilfoy
Mona Ruegg
Jin Yang
Oi Peng Chia
Scott Clarke-Bryan
Bart Bright
Dawn Vitale
Janine Chilton-Faust
Elizabeth Owen
Jennifer Power
Alexandra Chrysiliou
Nada Grkinich
Shannon Davidson
Kathleen Hodskins
Hubert Van Nuvel
Morgan Duquette
Ann Ure
Apple Inc.
Bob Siegel
Dennis Egge
Guillermo Ramirez
Jennifer DuBuisson
John DeShano
Julie Stempin
Margaret Moster
Margie Hanselman
Melvin Franty
Philip Marineau
Yael Garten
Wade Webster
Tricia Young
Lisa Stirling
Cathleen Mccarthy
Michael Womack
JoAnne Nichols
John Massey
Sheena Kunhiraman
Stephen Berube
Jeff Friant
David Jedrzejek
Heather Roussel
Ming Zhao
Mohammad Naseem Khan
Victoria Skelton
Anne Spletzer
Leonard Mack
Brian Jones
Chad Hinson
Christopher Jackman
Jill Guenza
Maria Theresa Chua
Mary and Robert McCurdy
Trina Freeman
Victoriano Molina
Jason McBriarty
Donna Keon
Vishal Bhalla
David Martin
Michael Mecham
Richard Hurren
Roberto Carnabuci
Melody McClain
Stephen Liem
Robert McCann
Linda Cullen
Cynthia Wainwright
Joe Henwood
Shannon Slaton
Gema Alonso Rodriguez
Paul Pollard
Sameer Koul
Samuel Espindola
Cecilia Gomes
Marina Wright
Aaron Boyd
Anupama Kapoor
Benjamin Elkin
Bev Beaudreault
Gerald Maschino
Gillian & Brad Kumagai
Jeffery Harlowe
Jim Chriss
Joaquin Ngarangad
Judy Yanez
Katie O'Shea
Kristen Mccloud
Leo Isotalo
Leonard Bennett
Mike Arnold
Molly Buckley
Noel Slater
Salvador Garcia
Stephen Kelley
Tully and Elise Friedman
Zoe Chan